Wellness Program

Wellness Services: – It is a multidimensional activity and varies from person to person and society to society. WHO [World Health Organisation] defines Health as –Physical, Mental, Psychological and Social well-being. 3 of the 5 special senses come under ENT care. Hearing is the most important input for mental and social well being. Hearing loss […]

Corporate Program

Noise pollution has both Non auditory and auditory components. Auditory [Hearing] effects are known to majority but non hearing effects like, irritability, head ache, increase heart rate, increase Bp etc are not understood by the majority. Noise pollution and its effects are not given the importance that is deserved. These programs are directed to educate […]

Dumbness Prevention Program

Society is empathetic to the blind. Even a small percentage of this empathy is not shown to the Dumb. Dumbness is a far greater disability causing greater emotional handicap than in the blind. 2 in 1000 new born children are born with profound hearing loss. With proper management majority of these children can be normal […]

Educational Program

The importance of education and health is well understood by our society. Many schools have dental and eye check, but rarely is ENT check up done. Some schools do it as a part of general health check. It is most unfortunate that the educators and care givers have not yet visualized or understood this emergency […]